You have not specified a swap partion Although not strictly required in all
Molet 2023.01.28 581浏览 0 -
sql数据库清楚日志 Sql Server日志清空
1、右键数据库–属性 2.选项–故障还原模型–设为简单–确定 2、右键数据库–所有任务–收缩数据库; 3、确定 4、右键数据库–属性 5、选项...
king 2023.01.28 676浏览 0 -
①主控服务器网卡直接换新ip; vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-phy-ext 编辑IP的时候网卡配置里面的IP配置信息一定要清空,要不死活不通外网,只能通本地,...
king 2023.01.28 646浏览 0 -
执行SQL发生错误!错误:attempt to write a readonly database
admin 2023.01.28 547浏览 0 -
Press any key to enter the configuration utility. dell服务器raid某个硬盘报错后,进不去系统
There are offline or missing virtual drives with preserved cache.Please check the cables and ensure that all drives are...
admin 2023.01.28 631浏览 0